Tax Audit Representation

If you are being audited by the IRS or it is pursuing collection activities against you, we are experts at protecting you.

We’ve been defending clients from the IRS for over twenty-eight years and have former IRS and FTB personnel on staff to work your case.

We can handle audits and communications with auditors all the way through the highest administrative levels of the IRS and FTB, including appeals.  Let us meet with the IRS instead of you.

We can get bank levies and wage garnishments released, penalties abated or have your taxes eliminated using bankruptcy, if you qualify.

For undisputed tax liabilities, a payment plan can be set up to make it easier to pay your back taxes.

If you lack the ability to make payments, we may be able to get your status changed to “currently not collectible” (if you qualify), which gets the IRS off your back until your financial situation improves.

If you believe you don’t owe the taxes or lack the ability to pay them in full, you may qualify for an Offer in Compromise to reduce your liability.  Realistically, however, only a small percent of taxpayers qualify for an Offer in Compromise.

Whatever your facts and circumstances, let us be your advocate when the IRS calls to ensure the best possible outcome for you.  

Ready to Get Your Money Back From the IRS?

Bring us up to 3 years of past taxes and we’ll find ways to save you money, when we do we’ll help you file to get your money back from the IRS.

Get in touch

See how we can help you today!

4600 Roseville Road, Suite 150
North Highlands, California 95660
916) 974-9399